International symposium
on art archiving

[speakers website]

Archives and, therefore, art archives as well, are no longer understood as organic series of immobile documents produced by a person or an institution; they are constantly changing living places containing documents that are permanently activated, by archivists, students and researchers. Moreover, modern archive doctrine has omitted the concept of author in the archive, despite the fact that some archivistic practices turn the action into a joint creation, with multi-authorship, in which every step, activation or process creates a semantically new document that involves an author.

In this context, the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya and the Museu Picasso Barcelona are pooling knowledge and resources to organize an International symposium on archive practice in 21st-century art that will bring together archivists, curators, artists, historians and researchers from all over the world.

  • Pilar Cuerva, Head of Centre de Recerca i Coneixement (CREC) of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya
  • Sílvia Domènech, Head of the Centre de Coneixement i Recerca of the Museu Picasso Barcelona
  • Jorge Blasco, Researcher, writer and curator
  • Mela Dávila, curator and consultant on art archives and artist’s publications
  • Remei Barbero, Archivist of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya
  • Núria Solé Bardalet, Archivist of the Museu Picasso Barcelona

The International symposium revolves around two coincident essential actions: ARCHIVING understood as a practice constructed reflexively and EXHIBITING understood as the territory in which archiving becomes a public act.

amateur • 1 a person regarded as incompetent. • 1 non-professional — ORIGIN French, ‘lover’. archivist • a person in charge of archives. j blasco gallardo